If it’s insensitive to Romanian’s to call their country the “Land of Dracula”, know our resident Romanian, Horatiu, came up with that headline. Nevertheless, this new photo from Rally Art.Ro shows off the new BMW i4 M50, in a snowy Romanian forest.
Admittedly, if you want to give off a Dracula-like vibe, there’s no better way than to find a cold, snowy, lonely forest. The road in these photos looks like it leads up to the castle from Bram Stoker’s Dracula. While the BMW i4 M50’s Frozen Portimao Blue paint cuts through the monochromatic landscape beautifully, making you forget about how creepy that same forest will be once the sun goes down.

Though, if you were driving up to drive a stake through Dracula’s heart, the BMW i4 M50 would be the vehicle of choice for such a mission’s winding road. For starters, its all-electric powertrain would allow you to creep in undetected, this way the blood-sucking monster doesn’t get to you before you reach the castle’s doorstep. Secondly, its 536 horsepower and 586 lb-ft of torque make it seriously quick — 0-60 mph happens in just 3.3 seconds, per Car and Driver — so escaping the monster will be easy peasy.

Don’t forget those twisty, frozen roads, though. Whichever car you choose to outrun Dracula’s vengeful goons, post-staking, it will need all-wheel drive traction and a capable chassis. Thankfully, the i4 M50 has both. Not only is it immensely grippy in all weather but it’s almost overly so. The i4 M50’s main complaint is that it’s too safe, too easy to drive quickly, and too predictable. It lacks the drama of an M3 Competition. However, I reckon you’ll appreciate such stability while fleeing the grasp of hungry vampires.
The BMW i4 M50 looks great in these photos, even if its grille ironically reminds me of Nosferatu, and would be the perfect choice for Van Helsing and co.
[Photos by instagram.com/rally_art.ro]