Tracking the production of your new BMW can be an exciting – and sometimes frustrating – experience. While BMW client advisors are typically good judges, tracking your BMW order yourself is easy and not terribly less precise. Plus, it’s generally more convenient for all parties involved to simply keep tabs on it yourself. The good news is, tracking your ordered BMW has never been more convenient. If you don’t know how – or simply want clarification on what some of the steps mean – we’re here to help!
How Do I Track My BMW?
After placing your order, if you don’t already have one, you must create a login. After creating your account, you can login and access “My BMW Garage” in the top left corner. Click “Track my BMW”, and then enter the seventeen-digit VIN. You can also use the “add a vehicle” button on the initial landing page. If you don’t have a VIN yet, you can track by production number, too. If you don’t know your production number, ask your BMW dealership – they’ll have it for you!
I’ve Placed an Order, But Don’t Have a Production Number?
Congratulations, you have placed an order internally designated as “047-status”. This means your order has been submitted to BMW, but the dealer has not yet received an allocation to fulfill it. This simply broadcasts to BMW Headquarters that the dealer has an order that needs to be fulfilled. You can’t track 047-status cars, and the dealership doesn’t have a definitive way of knowing the timeline, but they can make very educated guesses.
What is BMW’s Allocation Process?
The current allocation process is a bit complicated, but here’s a quick summary. Essentially, dealers are awarded based on how quickly they sell the vehicles on their lot. The best performing stores receive the largest percentage of total scheduled production. It’s important to remember that for high-demand cars, like the M3 or M5, total production is still low compared to normal levels. So, even high-volume dealers may still only get two or three allocations per month – or less.
How Long Do I Have to Modify My Ordered BMW?
An 047-status car can be modified indefinitely. Upon receiving a production number, there is a limited amount of time to modify the order. After the car enters production and receives a VIN number, it cannot be modified by anyone.
How Long Until My BMW Arrives?

Wait time depends on the model and where you live!
As of 2022, the X1, X2, 2 Series Gran Coupe, 4 Series (including i4), 5 Series, 8 Series, Z4, and iX are all made in Germany. While the exact plant differs, the turnaround is essentially the same – 45 to 60 days from start of production until delivery to the dealership. If you’re on the east coast, this is shortened by (generally) two weeks or so.
The 2 Series Coupe and 3 Series (except M3) will ship from central Mexico – generally, around 30 days from start of production is a safe bet on the west coast. It might take a little longer on the east coast.
Most X3s will come from Spartanburg – but there have been recent supplemental allocations provided by BMW’s South Africa factory. These SAVs take months to reach the United States – needing additional lead time to leave South Africa. If you’re ordering an X3, ensure your dealership does not place it in a South African build spot, unless it fits into your timeline.
The rest of the X3s, as well as every other SAV – except the X1 and X2 – are made right here in the US, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. East coast dealers see cars in two weeks or less from start of production, while west coast dealers will typically wait about a month.
I’ve Been Waiting Months! Where is My Car?

All these estimations are just that: an estimate. Unfortunately, in the real world any number of things can impact delivery time. The most common today are supply chain disruptions and parts shortages. This has forced vehicles to sit “in production” for as long as four months. Stop sales – safety recalls that demand the vehicle not be driven or delivered – can also push back delivery indefinitely. The car must be repaired before leaving the port, and certainly before reaching the customer. Congested shipping channels and natural disasters can also extend the car’s duration in transit, delaying delivery. This can be the frustrating side of tracking your ordered BMW’s every move!
Other Resources / Information
If your new BMW is coming from Germany, Mexico, or South Africa, you’ll be able track the boat that it’s on! The preferred site is Simply type in the name of the ship – you will be able to get it from your client advisor – and you’ll see its location.
The BMW Genius helpline is a good resource for finding out info, too. 1-844-4GENIUS (443-6487) and give them either a production number or VIN, and they should be able to provide general status updates. You can also reach out via email.
The NHTSA website is a reliable source of recall information. If your vehicle is being held at port for a while, it’s worth popping the VIN into the search bar to investigate.
Electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles must leave the dealership with a state of charge over 90%. This is a new requirement following the iX and i4’s release. Between PDI (pre-delivery inspection), vehicle detail, and these charging requirements, it’s certainly possible that your vehicle may spend a day at the dealership for a day before it’s ready for pickup.
Performance Center Delivery is available on any vehicle. But the arrangements must be made prior to the vehicle receiving shipping instructions. After the vehicle is loaded and en route, it’s very difficult to change its destination – in some cases, impossible! Be sure to talk to your dealer early in the process.
Courtesy Delivery is also available on every vehicle. It allows you to take delivery of your new BMW at a dealership different than the one you are buying the car for. This is a good option if the dealer you bought your car from is out of state. Dealer policies vary, and although there’s usually a fee, it’s usually cheaper than shipping the car at your cost.
Updated Index of Production Codes
Here’s an updated list of internal production codes BMW uses throughout the process. Current as of July 2022. These may help in estimating where exactly in the process your car is when tracking your ordered BMW.
017 Dummy order
027 Order retained in order bank
037 Spec.not released-no quota avail
047 Spec. released-no quota avail
057 Spec.not released-avail. quota
087 Order not released for production
097 Transmission to AG, conf. Pending
102 Special request order rec. -AG
105 No production week available
111 Order Accepted at AG
112 Scheduled for daily production pack
150 Production started
151 Entry body shop/serial # assgn.
152 Entry paint shop
153 Entry assembly
154 Assembly
155 Assembly finish /quality check
160 Vehicle handover to Sales
165 In Transit – Plant of Manufacture to Port of Departure
168 Manufacturer stock
170 Vehicle planned for workshop
172 Vehicle scheduled for workshop
174 Vehicle in workshop
176 Workshop exit
180 Vehicle waiting release of consign.
181 Handover to distribution
182 Handover to carrier/load assignment
190 Dispatched from AG
191 Returned to AG
193 Arrival at port or compound
199 Handover to Customer in Munich