Yesterday, we saw some leaked photos that were allegedly of the upcoming BMW M2’s bumper. The bumper showed off what looked to be the new M2’s grille and front air intakes. Since then, a render was released, showing off what the BMW M2 could look like with that very bumper.
The idea behind this render is simple — take the newly released BMW 2 Series Coupe and slap the leaked M2 bumper onto its face. Obviously, it’s more complicated than that, and I envy graphic artists’ ability to make such things, but that’s the basic idea behind it.
It’s an interesting looking car, this BMW M2 render. Its grilles are different than those of the 2 Series Coupe and, honestly, I’m not so sure that’s a good thing. I actually really like the new 2er’s mug but I’m not so sure I like this M2’s. Also, the very square front air intakes look odd and don’t really match the curves of the rest of the front end. Almost nothing on the front of the 2 Series is squared, so throwing square front air intakes is a bit jarring.

What’s also interesting is that BMW M seems to want to really visually differentiate its cars from the standard BMWs on which they’re based. Why can’t the grilles and most of the front end stay mostly the same? Why not just add some more aggressive front air intakes, maybe a hood bulge, and call it a day? The E46 M3 is still the best looking M3 of all and its differences are subtle.
Admittedly, this doesn’t look bad and if the BMW M2 does end up looking like this render, I don’t think too many enthusiasts will have a problem with it. Especially if it’s killer to drive, which I think it will be.
[Source: @bmw43__]