Hugo Becker

Hugo Becker is our resident curmudgeon and technology maven. Having had a driver’s license for over 40 years, he also has seat time in a large number of cars, from the silly to sublime. He brings a Sputnik era emphasis on science and technology to BMWBLOG, along with a passion for automotive history. Did we mention he’s old and crotchety?
Adding Lightness – The Role of CFRP in the BMW i3

Adding Lightness – The Role of CFRP in the BMW i3

New York City – The i3 would not have been built if the vehicle did not have a significant weight advantage over an equivalently sized car. While electrical motors are extremely efficient, much more so…

BMW i3 - Design Analysis

BMW i3 – Design Analysis

Adrian van Hooydonk described the i3 exterior as a ‘mono volume’, what some in the US would call a ‘one box’ design. Think of the old 1960s vans in the US. It’s a difficult shape…

BMW i3 MegaCity Reveal in New York City

BMW i3 MegaCity Reveal in New York City

New York City – Behind all the glamor and glitz, the three ring circus-like atmosphere (Beijing, London, New York), and the assembled multitudes of BMW heavy hitters at the reveal, there lies a remarkably good…

The i3 Reveal – The Birth of the BMW MegaCity

The i3 Reveal – The Birth of the BMW MegaCity

BMW has just recently been plying journalists to and from Portugal to sample the new 4 Series Coupe. And somewhere in the near future the M3/M4 and 2 Series vehicles will be unveiled. In a…

The BMW i3 – Coming to Production

Kansas City Art of the Car Concours

Kansas City Art of the Car Concours

The car, with a black ’21’ inside a white roundel, is nearly half a century old. Its victory at Le Mans in 1965 was the last overall win for its proud manufacturer. And it was…

BMW 4 Series Coupe - Quick Take

BMW 4 Series Coupe – Quick Take

The new BMW 4 Series Coupe carries on in the new way of BMW’s niche-ification of the product line. As the 6 series is a step up from the 5er, so too will the 4…

The Alpine Trials Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce showed off a special edition ghost in Shanghai honoring Rolls Royce’s four car participation – three works cars and one private entry – in the 1913 Alpine Rally where it earned the sobriquet,…