New York City – The i3 would not have been built if the vehicle did not have a significant weight advantage over an equivalently sized car. While electrical motors are extremely efficient, much more so…
Hugo Becker / August 7, 2013
Adrian van Hooydonk described the i3 exterior as a ‘mono volume’, what some in the US would call a ‘one box’ design. Think of the old 1960s vans in the US. It’s a difficult shape…
Hugo Becker / August 6, 2013
New York City – Behind all the glamor and glitz, the three ring circus-like atmosphere (Beijing, London, New York), and the assembled multitudes of BMW heavy hitters at the reveal, there lies a remarkably good…
Hugo Becker / July 30, 2013
BMW has just recently been plying journalists to and from Portugal to sample the new 4 Series Coupe. And somewhere in the near future the M3/M4 and 2 Series vehicles will be unveiled. In a…
Hugo Becker / July 26, 2013
The BMW i3 – Coming to Production
by Hugo Becker / Date: July 15, 2013
Featured Posts
After taking an impression of my credit card (who knew that BMW owners would be stingy putting gas into their loaner cars), I was released to the world at large in a low-mileage 2013 BMW…
Hugo Becker / July 1, 2013
Auto Shows
The car, with a black ’21’ inside a white roundel, is nearly half a century old. Its victory at Le Mans in 1965 was the last overall win for its proud manufacturer. And it was…
Hugo Becker / June 26, 2013
4 Series
The new BMW 4 Series Coupe carries on in the new way of BMW’s niche-ification of the product line. As the 6 series is a step up from the 5er, so too will the 4…
Hugo Becker / June 14, 2013
Featured Posts
BMW attempts to lure in new customers across the United States with a drive and compare event they call the BMW Ultimate Driving Experience. They trot out representative examples of their model line (with the…
Hugo Becker / May 20, 2013
Rolls Royce showed off a special edition ghost in Shanghai honoring Rolls Royce’s four car participation – three works cars and one private entry – in the 1913 Alpine Rally where it earned the sobriquet,…
Hugo Becker / April 29, 2013
After Shawn wrote his ode to the M5 as an all around great car (it’s the track!) the question was asked, if you could choose between one car to do many jobs or multiple cars…
Hugo Becker / April 9, 2013