Steven Paul

Steven is a Senior Writer for BMWBLOG. A lifelong enthusiast, he's driven F90 M5s around Circuit of the Americas, off-roaded X5s, drag raced M4s and M2s, and spent countless paychecks maintaining BMWs in varying states of broken. He joined the team in 2020, bringing years of experience as a manager at a BMW dealership. Now he writes as a career with BMWBLOG and others, hoping to bring insight and excitement to the fastest-paced automotive landscape in history. He enjoys all cars, but particularly BMW and Toyota/Lexus models.

Design Boss Says BMW Vision Neue Klasse Will Change the Brand Forever

BMW Panoramic Vision - How Does It Work

BMW Panoramic Vision – How Does It Work

As details of BMW’s elusive Neue Klasse vehicles begin to trickle out, we see the brand reinventing itself and introducing extraordinary new technology inside and outside. Part of what’s changing our expectations of what an…