Steven Paul

Steven is a Senior Writer for BMWBLOG. A lifelong enthusiast, he's driven F90 M5s around Circuit of the Americas, off-roaded X5s, drag raced M4s and M2s, and spent countless paychecks maintaining BMWs in varying states of broken. He joined the team in 2020, bringing years of experience as a manager at a BMW dealership. Now he writes as a career with BMWBLOG and others, hoping to bring insight and excitement to the fastest-paced automotive landscape in history. He enjoys all cars, but particularly BMW and Toyota/Lexus models.

The E34 M5 Ringtaxi: BMW’s Hidden Nürburgring Gem

The ALPINA Roadster V8: Rarer And Smoother Than The Z8

The ALPINA Roadster V8: Rarer And Smoother Than The Z8

The Z8 is unmistakable. It routinely tops lists of the “prettiest BMWs ever made,” drawing praise for its elegant, 507-inspired styling and classic roadster proportions. The original Z8 shipped in the year 2000, only available…