
BMW Sets Up Task Force to Deal with Brexit Outcome

BMW Sets Up Task Force to Deal with Brexit Outcome

Even though some might find it hard to believe, BMW, a German car maker, will be one of the hardest hit companies following the upcoming Brexit procedure. The UK leaving the EU brought forward many…

Why you might want to buy a car out of state and have it shipped

Photo Comparison: MINI Cooper vs Audi A1

Photo Comparison: MINI Cooper vs Audi A1

Normally, if you want a compact car for urban cities, you buy a MINI. Not only are they, well, mini, but they’re fun to drive, premium on the inside, economical and affordable. There are other…

BMW Still Working on Hydrogen-Powered Models

BMW Still Working on Hydrogen-Powered Models

The world is apparently convinced right now that the way forward for personal mobility resides in electric vehicles, at least when it comes to the automotive world. However, BMW is not dropping all of the…