
Renault wants to bring color to F1, inspired by BMW’s Art Cars

BMW might be planning an Uber rival in Germany

BMW might be planning an Uber rival in Germany

BMW board member Peter Schwarzenbauer told Germany’s Spiegel Online that he could envisage expanding its DriveNow car-sharing operation to include a ride-sharing element which will compete with the likes of Uber and Lyft. Schwarzenbauer didn’t…

BMW CEO says "cars will become personal companions"

BMW CEO says “cars will become personal companions”

This week’s spotlight fell on BMW’s 100th birthday celebration and on the new and highly visionary BMW VISION NEXT 100 concept. The exciting design and tech-driven project aims to show the future of mobility and…

Ian Robertson talks changes to BMW's sales strategy

Ian Robertson talks changes to BMW’s sales strategy

During a recent interview with Automotive News Europe, Ian Roberston, head of sales and marketing for BMW,  spoke about the many changes BMW is looking to make to improve customer satisfaction and make buying BMWs far…