BMW X3 by AC Schnitzer

BMW X3 by AC Schnitzer

The new BMW X3, which has been available from dealers since autumn 2010, is uniquely versatile. Now BMW tuning specialist AC Schnitzer has developed an extensive range of accessories to make the second generation SUV…

The stage is set for the BMW X3 Games in Geneva

The Story Behind the Building of your BMW X3

The Story Behind the Building of your BMW X3

A behind the scenes look at what it took to create a customized video for new owners’ of their X3 being built. At the recent BMW X3 launch in Spartanburg, BMW announced a $5 million…

The BMW X3 Difference Event

The BMW X3 marketing campaigns continue to intensify here in North America. After the X3 Mountain Driving events, the company announces a new offering: BMW X3 Difference Event. “Difference Event” translates into an event where…