Could the BMW i3 Sedan Look Like This Render?

VIDEO: Can the new BMW i7 Really Beat the S-Class?

VIDEO: Can the new BMW i7 Really Beat the S-Class?

Each and every time BMW comes out with a new 7 Series, there’s really only one goal—beat the S-Class. Mercedes’ venerable S-Class is perennially the best luxury car in the world. But can this new…

Battery Degradation Raises Questions About Used EV Ownership

Battery Degradation Raises Questions About Used EV Ownership

One of the bigger question marks surrounding the future of EVs is batter degradation. Lithium-ion batteries will degrade over time and use, causing their total capacity to drop off. Of that, there’s no question. However,…

SPIED: BMW i5 M50 Seen Testing at the Nürburgring

SPIED: BMW i5 M50 Seen Testing at the Nürburgring

The next-generation M5 is going to be a plug-in hybrid, which may upset the fans who were hoping for a purely electric M5. However, for the BEV-hopeful, worry not, there’s going to be an all-electric…