BMW 335is

The Ghost Chameleon BMW 335is Project by PSI

The Ghost Chameleon BMW 335is Project by PSI

Legend tells of a warrior that moved in the shadows, striking at will without warning, only to disappear before the enemy caught even a glimpse. While we here at PSI don’t always believe in legends,…

Test Drive: 2011 BMW 335is

First Drive: 2011 BMW 335iS

First Drive: 2011 BMW 335iS

Sensational Meets Sensible Even before I got behind the wheel of BMW’s new performance coupe, my pulse was quickened. The aero updates on the exterior are aggressive and sharp, drawing you in for a closer…

Exclusive Photos: 2011 BMW 335is On Race Track

Exclusive Photos: 2011 BMW 335is On Race Track

While at the BMW Press Event in Philadelphia, our own Shawn Molnar had a chance to drive another exciting vehicle: BMW 335is. The track review will be coming up in the next days and in…

2010 NYIAS: BMW 335is World Debut

2010 NYIAS: BMW 335is World Debut

Today at the 2010 New York Auto Show, BMW has unveiled the all-new 335is. The E92 and E93 335is are the most powerful of standard 3 Series BMWs. The ’s’ typically meaning the most sporting…

Interview: Dr. Oetker and the BMW M3/335is Dilemma

Interview: Dr. Oetker and the BMW M3/335is Dilemma

We’ve been having an internal debate here at BMWBLOG as to which car represents the greater value, the 335is or the M3. After the dust settled we decided to consult with our resident expert, the…

First Video: 2011 BMW 335is on track

First Video: 2011 BMW 335is on track

BMW launched earlier today one of the most awaited cars in the last few weeks: their 2011 BMW 335is. The 2011 BMW 335is is powered by the same award winning N54 inline-6 3.0-liter twin-turbo motor…