BMW 5 Series Touring

BMW 520d Touring G61 Poses With Phytonic Blue Paint

BMW 520d Touring G61 Poses With Phytonic Blue Paint

You could say diesel engines are past their prime in Europe where their popularity has been declining for consecutive years. The Volkswagen Group’s messy Dieselgate scandal ignited the controversy, driving some people away from buying…

Is America Ready for a BMW i5 Touring?

Is America Ready for a BMW i5 Touring?

The BMW world has been witnessing a significant shift towards electric vehicles in the last few years and the BMW i5 Touring is a testament to this transformation. With its recent release in Europe, the…

New BMW 5 Series Touring Starts Production at Plant Dingolfing

What Is the Best Looking 5 Series Touring?

What Is the Best Looking 5 Series Touring?

Whether a car looks good or not is subjective, especially when the car in question is a wagon that has been designed to maximize load-lugging ability, not its aesthetic qualities. However, there are so many…