BMW M gets a new boss

BMW M gets a new boss

As of October 1, 2018, the M division of BMW M will get a new boss.  Markus Flasch will become Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW M, replacing Franciscus Van Meel. Austrian-born Flasch…

BMW M cars will all be hybrid or electric by 2030

Video: How to Use M Setup on Your BMW M Car

BMW M has started a mini-series a while back, with videos showcasing how to get the most out of your car both on the road and on the track. Today, they published yet another one,…

The First European BMW M Showroom Is Opened in Brno

The First European BMW M Showroom Is Opened in Brno

Specialized stand-alone BMW M showrooms are entirely a new phenomenon in Europe. Maybe, you would expect that the first one can be found in Germany. But it would be a mistaken presumption. Brno, the second…

Video: How to Use the BMW M Head-up Display

BMW and its M division have started filming a series of quick guides, taking you through the most important things you should know about BMW M cars. Today they published a video focusing on one…