
Editorial: Where's my Diesel?

Editorial: Where’s my Diesel?

Diesels. They’re a big part of BMW’s future with cars like the Vision EfficientDynamics Concept and just as big throughout their past. However, American consumers are none-the-wiser about the incredible potential that lie within these torquey,…

Editorial: BMW’s Ultimate Gamble

Number ONE Strategy. In the midst of a huge economic downturn, when car manufacturers are stumbling with product liability issues or just trying to stay solvent (or recover from bankruptcy), BMW is announcing and delivering…

Editorial: The Name Game

Editorial: What is a BMW Supercar?

Editorial: What is a BMW Supercar?

It may seem like a silly question – especially to enthusiasts – but there has only been one true BMW supercar in the entire history of the company. Yes, they’ve produced sports cars and GT…

Editorial: Will the Real Mille Miglia Please Stand Up?

Today we brought news that the soon-to-be-see Z4  sDrive35is will soon debut a special edition called the Z4 sDrive35is: Limited Edition Mille Miglia. The car certainly will not disappoint either – with 340HP, Dual-clutch transmission, custom…

Editorial: A Brief History of Front Wheel Drive

Start. In the beginning was the Cugnot artillery tractor. More than one version of the three-wheeled front-wheel-drive (FWD) steamer came off the drawing boards in the second half of the eighteenth century. The apocryphal story…

Editorial: Interesting times for car enthusiasts

These are interesting times we’re living for car enthusiasts. That may seem obvious but today’s events with GM’s restructuring China officially becoming the largest consumer of cars and “hybrid” and “alternative energy” finding acceptance in…