manual gearbox

BMW Isn't Closing The Door On Manuals Despite Low Take Rate

BMW Isn’t Closing The Door On Manuals Despite Low Take Rate

The odds are stacked against manual gearboxes. The rise of plug-in hybrids and EVs is gradually spelling the end for the third pedal. Advanced semi-autonomous driving systems and sophisticated safety features are primarily engineered to…

Which Will Be The Final BMW With A Manual Gearbox?

Which Will Be The Final BMW With A Manual Gearbox?

On several occasions, BMW has warned us that the manual gearbox is living on borrowed time. The demise of the stick shift is inevitable, primarily because of the low take rate. In 2023, only 20%…

MINI Manual Driving School Helps You Learn How To Drive Stick Shift

BMW M Boss Pledges To Keep The Manual Gearbox Alive

BMW M Boss Pledges To Keep The Manual Gearbox Alive

Say what you will about some of BMW’s latest decisions, but it still gets some things right. One of them is the M division’s stubbornness to keep the manual gearbox alive in a digital era….

Video: Manual BMW M3 and M4 Launch Control explained

Video: Manual BMW M3 and M4 Launch Control explained

Whenever one thinks of Launch Control, a connection to an automatic gearbox is instantly made. That’s because Launch Control has been traditionally a feature of automatic gearboxes over the years. However, in recent years, we’ve…