Toyota Supra

Video: Watch a BMW E30 M3 Reach 210 MPH in a Mile

The BMW E30 M3 continues to fascinate the automotive world. Even though some would think that its measly stock power figure of around 200 HP couldn’t possibly be enough to make any car ‘fun’, they…

Updates on BMW Z4 Successor/Toyota Supra

Updates on BMW Z4 Successor/Toyota Supra

Details on the joint-venture between both BMW and Toyota, for their upcoming sports cars, have been tight so far. Neither brand is willing to give out much, if any, information and both remain tight-lipped. However,…

BMW Z4 to be built along side Toyota Supra, engines detailed

Why the E30’s True Successor is a Toyota

Why the E30’s True Successor is a Toyota

The iconic BMW E30 has now been debated, glorified, worshiped and written about ad nauseum. If you haven’t owned an E30, and you’ve never had the chance to drive one, all of this fuss over…